Jefferson County Assessors play a role in property tax assessment by determining the value of taxable property in their county or local area. As part of this job, Assessors in Jefferson County, Alabama maintain detailed neighborhood maps that contain a range of information. These Jefferson County parcel maps include property lines, parcel numbers, street numbers, boundary locations, and lot dimensions. They may also show public land, unclaimed parcels, roads, and geographical features, as well as flood zones and zoning boundaries. Jefferson County parcel maps may also include information on current property owners, property assessments, and property tax payments, including any tax liens or foreclosures. These Jefferson County maps can be valuable resources for property owners and prospective buyers, and they may be available on the Assessor Office website.
Jefferson - Bessemer Division Revenue Commission Bessemer AL 1801 3rd Avenue North 35020 205-481-4125 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Assessor Gardendale AL 651 Main Street, Ste 127 35071 205-716-1697 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Town and City Halls provide municipal services for their town or city, as well as preserving important records like vital documents and property records. These property-related documents can include parcel maps, which show all the parcels in Jefferson County and provide information on property boundaries, unclaimed parcels, parcel numbers, and lot dimensions. They also show public and private land, zoning boundaries, flood zones, and geographical features in Jefferson County, Alabama. Some Jefferson County parcel maps also include property owner information, property appraisals, and property tax assessments, including tax liens or foreclosures. Town and City Halls may also have historical maps, and many provide online access to their parcel maps through the Town or City Hall website.
Adamsville City Hall Adamsville AL 4828 Main Street 35005 205-674-5671 Suggest Edit
Bessemer City Hall Bessemer AL 1800 3rd Avenue North 35020 205-424-4060 Suggest Edit
Birmingham City Hall Birmingham AL 710 20th Street North, Ste 600 35203 205-254-2290 Suggest Edit
County Line Town Hall Trafford AL 2843 County Line Rd 35172 205-590-1649 Suggest Edit
Fairfield City Hall Fairfield AL 4701 Gary Avenue 35064 205-788-2492 Suggest Edit
Fultondale City Hall Fultondale AL 1210 Old Walker Chapel Road 35068 205-841-4481 Suggest Edit
Gardendale City Hall Gardendale AL 970 Main Street 35071 205-631-8789 Suggest Edit
Graysville City Hall Graysville AL 246 South Main Street 35073 205-674-5643 Suggest Edit
Helena City Hall Helena AL 816 Highway 52 35080 205-663-2161 Suggest Edit
Kimberly Town Hall Kimberly AL 9256 Stouts Road 35091 205-647-5531 Suggest Edit
Leeds City Hall Leeds AL 8373 1st Avenue Southeast 35094 205-699-2585 Suggest Edit
Maytown Town Hall Maytown AL TOWN HALL Dr 35118 205-786-8611 Suggest Edit
Mulga Town Hall Mulga AL 505 Mulga Loop Road 35118 205-781-0645 Suggest Edit
Pleasant Grove City Hall Pleasant Grove AL 501 Park Road 35127 205-744-1720 Suggest Edit
Sumiton Water & Gas Sumiton AL 416 STATE STREET, P O Box 10 35148 205-648-3261 Suggest Edit
Sylvan Springs Town Hall Sylvan Springs AL 300 Town Hall Drive 35118 205-491-3226 Suggest Edit
Sylvan Springs Town Hall Mulga AL 100 Rock Creek Rd 35118 205-491-3210 Suggest Edit
Warrior City Hall Warrior AL 215 Main Street North 35180 205-647-0520 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Building Departments ensure the construction of safe buildings by creating and enforcing building codes. They also maintain parcel maps for Jefferson County, Alabama, which show local topography, soil composition, flood zones, and flood drainage patterns. Parcel maps also show building code zones, regulatory restrictions by area, and zoning boundaries, as well as property lines, public and private land, lot dimensions, boundary markers, and information on buildings. Jefferson County Building Department maps typically show roads, place names, bodies of water, and other geographic features, making them valuable resources for property owners and prospective buyers. Building Departments may provide online access to their Jefferson County parcel maps.
Bessemer Building Department Bessemer AL 1800 3rd Avenue North 35020 205-424-4060 Suggest Edit
Birmingham Planning and Permits Department Birmingham AL 710 20th Street North 35203 205-254-2478 Suggest Edit
Birmingham Zoning Birmingham AL 710 20th Street North, Ste 207 35203 205-254-2211 Suggest Edit
Gardendale Planning and Zoning Department Gardendale AL 995 Mount Olive Road 35071 205-631-1708 Suggest Edit
Homewood Zoning Homewood AL 187 Citation Court 35209 205-332-6833 Suggest Edit
Homewood Zoning Ensley AL 1850 19th Street Ensley 35218 205-877-8600 Suggest Edit
Hoover Zoning Birmingham AL 100 Municipal Drive 35216 205-444-7517 Suggest Edit
Hueytown Building Department Hueytown AL 1318 Hueytown Road 35023 205-497-0522 Suggest Edit
USGSA Building Department in Birmingham Birmingham AL 1800 5th Avenue North, Ste 428 35203 205-731-1755 Suggest Edit
Vestavia Hills Zoning Vestavia Hills AL 513 Montgomery Highway 35216 205-978-0101 Suggest Edit
Vestavia Permits Vestavia Hills AL 513 Montgomery Highway 35216 205-978-0125 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Clerks maintain and preserve public records for a county or local government, including vital documents and property records. These property records often include parcel maps, which provide information about public and private property, geographical features, and zoning boundaries, including flood zones, building zones, and regulatory restriction areas. Jefferson County parcel maps also provide information on all the parcels in the area, including current owners, appraisal values, property tax assessments, unclaimed parcels, and parcel numbers, as well as property lines and boundary markers. They may also include information on tax liens and foreclosures in Jefferson County, Alabama. These parcel maps may be available online at the Clerk Office website.
Bessemer Clerk Bessemer AL 23 15th Street North 35020 205-426-8602 Suggest Edit
Brighton City Clerk Brighton AL 3700 Main Street 35020 205-425-8934 Suggest Edit
Center Point City Clerk Center Point AL 2209 Center Point Parkway 35215 205-854-4460 Suggest Edit
Fairfield Clerk Fairfield AL 4701 Gary Avenue 35064 205-788-2492 Suggest Edit
Gardendale Clerk Gardendale AL 970 Main Street 35071 205-631-8789 Suggest Edit
Homewood Clerk Homewood AL 1833 29th Avenue South 35209 205-877-8646 Suggest Edit
Hueytown City Clerk Hueytown AL 1318 Hueytown Road 35023 205-491-7010 Suggest Edit
Hueytown Clerk Hueytown AL 1318 Hueytown Road 35023 205-491-7010 Suggest Edit
Irondale City Clerk Irondale AL 101 20th Street South 35210 205-956-9200 Suggest Edit
Jefferson - Bessemer Division Clerk Bessemer AL 1851 2nd Avenue North 35020 205-497-8510 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Division Clerk - Bessemer Courthouse Bessemer AL 1801 3rd Avenue North 35020 205-325-5300 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Division Clerk - Birmingham Courthouse Birmingham AL 716 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North 35203 205-325-5491 Suggest Edit
Midfield City Clerk Midfield AL 725 Bessemer Road 35228 205-923-7578 Suggest Edit
Mountain Brook City Clerk Mountain Brook AL 56 Church Street 35213 205-802-3825 Suggest Edit
Pleasant Grove Clerk Pleasant Grove AL 501 Park Road 35127 205-744-1720 Suggest Edit
Trussville City Clerk Trussville AL 131 Main Street 35173 205-655-7478 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Recorders of Deeds ensure the accuracy of property, land, and property tax records by keeping real estate ownership documents. The Recorder of Deeds also keeps detailed maps on their county or local area, including parcel maps. These Jefferson County parcel maps show all the properties in the area, including property lines, parcel numbers, lot dimensions, and boundary markers. They also show public and private land, zoning boundaries, flood zones, and geographical features, and some may list property ownership information, property appraisals, and the property tax history, including Jefferson County tax assessments, tax liens, and foreclosures in Jefferson County, Alabama . These parcel maps are valuable sources of information for property owners and prospective buyers, and they may be available on the Recorder of Deeds website.
Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds Bessemer AL 1801 3rd Avenue North 35020 205-481-4100 Suggest Edit
Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds Birmingham AL 716 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North 35203 205-325-5512 Suggest Edit